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Florida Everglades Area Tours


White tailed deer

Howdy, my fellow Adventurers! What a week in the Everglades!  Full of migration traffic!  The spoonbills and the white pelicans are landing in giant families on the prairies these days, and I’ve heard it tell that the humans are doing a mighty fine job of getting down here to the warmth, too! Our guide Marlowe and her tour groups have been spotting deer, as well, on the Swamp Buggy ride while out on the Full Day Everglades Adventure Tour. It is getting crazy down here—and I mean that in a good way.  Our neck of the glades is warming up and it’s almost like we can feel how happy people are to be down here in sunny Florida soaking up the sunshine and taking our pictures. Even though it’s warmer here than in places like Pensilvainya (is that how you spell that?!?), our Everglades are drying up because we’re in our dry season.  That means you folks don’t need to wear white pants when you come out for your airboat ride, okay?  ‘Cause if you do, you’ll come back looking like a Dalmatian!  It’s muddy out there. But a l’il Everglades seasoning never hurt anybody, and you know that’s the truth. Caught up with Gator D yesterday at the Gator hole and this is what he had to say about a recent Full Day Everglades Adventure Tour of his: “Another wonderful day in the Everglades! It started out overcast and cool but ended up sunny and warm! Can’t beat that for a February day! It got into the 80’s! I love Southwest Florida! And I love swamp buggy’s, airboats, alligators, birds, saw grass, snakes, scorpions, spiders, and good food! Yep, I do and we experienced ALL OF IT TODAY!  I hope my passengers had just a fraction of the fun I did! I will never get enough of this spectacular wilderness called the Everglades!”  Well, you folks take good care and come see us—I especially know you’ll want to when you hear the big news from the birds.  But that’s gotta wait til my next post. Til then, gator friend!